Chicken Rigatoni a la Vodka


I would consider this a “pantry pasta” because I had all of the ingredients laying around the house. My mom is known among out friend group for her cocktail order. That’s it. She isn’t going to order anything else. Ever. Her order is: “vodka and still water in a tall glass with a splash of cranberry juice and a lime.” Since that is her favorite, her house is always very well stocked with Tito’s vodka. My husband and I quarantined with my parents and sister’s family for 8 weeks out in the Hill Country. My parents have a beautiful home on the river and you can bet your ass that it is well stocked with Tito’s. Anyways, I love pasta sauces with vodka so I whipped this together and everyone loved it. I served it “al fresco” with a yummy salad and garlic bread. Check out the photos to see my little taste-tester niece Harper. My sister tried to recreate it recently and it prompted me to share with the world! Enjoy!



  • 4 large chicken breasts

  • Italian seasoning

  • butter

  • 1 can of whole peeled tomatoes

  • 4 garlic cloves, minced

  • 1 chopped white onion

  • 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes

  • 4 tablespoons vodka

  • 3/4 cup of heavy cream

  • 1 tablespoon sugar

  • salt and pepper to taste

  • Parmesan for serving

  • 2 pounds rigatoni or penne pasta


  1. Bake the chicken breasts (topped with a little Italian seasoning) in a 400 degree oven for 30 minutes. When cooked, chop the chicken into bite size pieces.

  2. Meanwhile, heat a large skillet over medium heat and add in a few tablespoons of butter. To the butter, add in the minced garlic and onion. Cook until the onion is transparent and has softened (About 5 minutes).

  3. Next add in the whole peeled tomatoes with juice. Use a wooden spoon to break up the tomatoes and cook for an additional 5 minutes. Carefully use an immersion blender throughout the sauce and smooth out any large chunks.

  4. Bring to a simmer, add in the sugar, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes and vodka. Cook for about 15 minutes. Go ahead and begin boiling the pasta.

  5. After the 15 minutes, add in 3/4 cup of heavy cream into the sauce and cook an additional 5 minutes. Add the chopped chicken and drained pasta into the sauce, toss and serve with parmesan!