About moore food

Welcome! I’m Anna and I’m happy you’ve stopped by! I grew up with 4 sisters in Austin, TX, graduated with a degree in Hospitality Management and now live in Houston, TX with my husband, Josh, and kitty, Popeye.

When we aren’t visiting family or traveling, I love to cook and create. I’ve always enjoyed hosting parties and cooking but really began to dive in when I took some culinary courses in college as an elective. I think the most exciting element of cooking to me is the ability to experiment with different ingredients, cooking methods, etc. I love the science behind all of it.

Besides cuddling up on the couch with my husband and kitty for a good movie, my favorite thing to do is cook. It’s soothing. I love to stand in my kitchen with spatula in one hand and a glass of wine in the other creating yummy foods while I chat with friends and family about life. I love to get down to basics and understand where everything comes from and how I can create it myself. Sometimes I follow recipes, sometimes I don’t and sometimes I start with just an idea! That’s the fun of cooking!


anna & josh moore