Brussel Sprouts with Cured Egg Yolk


Man, I love brussel sprouts. I have cooked these so many different ways and made some pretty nasty ones over the past few years. I’ve burnt a ton and under-cooked even more. I think the real key with brussel sprouts is patience. I am not known for my patience so I learned this the hard way. You’ve got to cook them low and slow to cook them through the center and then blast them with heat to sear the edges. Sometimes I will add a sprinkle of parmesan, but I’ve decided that my new favorite method is to finish them with some grated cured egg yolk. Give it a try!

Brussel Sprouts with Cured Egg Yolk (Serves 2)


  • 3 cups brussel sprouts, halved

  • 3 tablespoons olive oil

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • Cured Egg Yolk, microplaned


  1. In a large sauce pan, add the olive oil and bring to medium-low heat. Add in the brussel sprout halves and cook, stirring every minute or two. After about 12 minutes, or until the veggies are softening, turn up the heat to medium high and let the edges crisp up. You are looking for seared edges.

  2. Once you’ve removed the sprouts from the heat, use a microplane to shave about a teaspoon of the egg yolk right on top of them. Enjoy!