Preserved Lemons


I have always preferred a lemon to a lime but for some reason I feel like that’s made me a bad Texan. There’s just nothing like a squeeze of lemon over some pasta or in a cocktail. Don’t get me wrong, I love limes over some fish tacos or with any type of Mexican food. But lemons…. they’re so universal. They can be used everywhere and in anything. I’ve had Moroccan or Indian dishes before that used preserved lemons but I really had no idea what made them so different than regular lemons. Preserved lemons have a deeper, brighter and an almost fresher flavor. I love them! They’re so simple to make and store in the fridge. You should try it!

Preserved Lemons


  • 8-10 lemons (8 big or 10 small)

  • 1/2 cup sea salt

  • 1/4 cup sugar


  1. Cut the ends (point parts) off of the lemons and then quarter them. Place all of them lemon quarters in a large glass bowl and coat with sugar and salt. Make sure all of the lemons can reach the salt- sugar mixture.

  2. Cover and place in the fridge overnight or at least 8 hours so that the lemons release some juice. Then, pack the lemons and all of the juice into jars. Place in the fridge for a month (or at least 3 weeks) before use. Add them to a chicken Tagine dish or over a simple grilled fish.
