Spicy Pepper Flakes

Red pepper flakes are a staple in my house. We add them to most soups, casseroles, pasta or really anywhere we can. We love the heat! I’ve been making homemade pepper flakes and they are so much better. They have a better texture and they’re much hotter. If you don’t want as much heat, cut down on the habaneros and use a milder type of pepper like serrano.

My only big piece of advice is to use gloves when preparing all of the peppers. This will help prevent burning your eyes later when you forget you just handled a bunch of hot peppers. Also warning- these are much hotter than regular red pepper flakes so start with a little before you dump a ton on your pizza.

Spicy Pepper Flakes


  • Around 50 peppers - I used a combination of habenero, serranos and red bell.


  1. Slice all peppers thinly and remove seeds. Add to a few baking sheets and bake on 180 degrees F for about 3 hours. Be sure to shake the pan every 30 minutes. You want to make sure these are really dry.

  2. Once they’re ready, pull them out and cool completely. Then add to a food processor or blender and blend. Add to a jar and you are good to go!