Crème Fraîche


I used to keep Mexican Crema in my refrigerator all of the time. It lasts a long time and goes great on tons of different foods like stuffed bell peppers, tacos, taco salads. One day I was cleaning out my fridge and couldn’t finish until I knew how to make it myself. After a few Google searches, I discovered that the process for Mexican Crema and Crème Fraiche are almost exactly the same. The only difference is that you leave the mixture out longer to create a a thicker, Crème Fraiche-consistency.

Crème Fraiche


1 pint heavy whipping cream

2 tablespoons buttermilk

Equipment :

1 glass pint jar



  1. Pour the pint of heavy cream into a glass jar and add the two tablespoons of buttermilk. Shake and let sit overnight on your kitchen counter or at least 8 hours. It is important that you leave the jar unrefrigerated so that the necessary bacteria develop and thicken into crème fraiche. If you’d like the cream to be a little more like Mexican Crema- consistency, leave the jar out for 4 or 5 hours instead.