The Moore 75


The French 75 is a classic cocktail originating, obviously, in France. During WWI, the French created the 75 millimeter light field gun which ignited hope in their fight against the Germans. In celebration of this weapon, a French bartender created a drink that would “knock you flat” just like the gun. This is the French 75. Herbal and exciting. I’ve definitely been knocked “out flat” by a few French 75s.

I love French 75s. I order them all of the time and love to make them at home. I’ve been tinkering with cocktail recipes for years and created a version of a French 75 that is a little more boozy and bitter, but equally as delicious. By removing the sugar and adding bitters, I believe the Moore 75 is a tasty and fantastic nod to the original. Enjoy!

Moore 75


  • 5 dashes Lavender Bitters

  • 1 oz Gin (I used Esme)

  • Champagne

  • Lemon for garnish


  1. Add the dashes of lavender bitters into the cocktail glass. Add the gin and top with chilled champagne.

  2. Peel a lemon twist and wrap around your finger to form a spiral. Use as a garnish on the glass. Voila!